Missions, Services, Contacts

We are currently not accepting new clients. We apologize for this inconvenience and hope to see you soon!

Our mission is to promote your YA, NA, or Upper MG book across Europe and North America! For more information, see below and visit our 'About Us' page. If you are eager to pay a small price for a big following, contact us through one of the accounts below!

Reading is one of the biggest joys of life, therefore it cannot become an activity of the past. As teenagers spend an average of seven hours on their phone a day, one of the easiest ways to influence their reading is by social media marketing! We are prepared to bring reading back in style so that when a teenager runs into you on the street, it's because their nose is buried in a book, not a cellphone. Are you ready for a whole new generation and audience to discover your book? Learn more below!

Our Certification
Just because we are teenagers doesn't mean we can't help! We all attend a prestigious school that teaches responsibility, pride, and professionalism to its extreme. As your future overseas publicist, we can promise all of these qualities and more when it comes to promoting your book. Our team houses four avid readers, three internationalists, two experienced book reviewers, and one publishing intern. With these things in mind, we can promise a wide-spread, positive, influential outcome!

Our Services
For an estimated fee of $10, we offer your choices of the following services completed in a timely manner. You may choose as many or as few of the options as you would like. Prices vary depending on the service but will not exceed $20. Please contact us if you have any questions regarding the services, prices, or any concerns you may have. 

- An honest review of your book
- Author interview(s)
- Social media promotion
- Specified or multi-country promotion*
- In-school promotion
- Interactive games/trivia/excerpts
- Photography of the book cover
- Extensive book tour**
- We also aid in cover reveals for a cheaper price!

* We have connections to multiple schools in England, France, Germany, Spain, America, and Perù. Let us know if you have a target audience or if you just want your book shared everywhere!

** If you are interested in extensive publicity, we host a team of keen book bloggers that are ready to post photos, promos, and more content on their blogs. Book tours increase readership, enthusiasm, and spread of word because the positivity is shared on multiple blogs and social media accounts, not just ours!

Please note that we do not accept:
- Books that could be described as 'erotic.' Do contact us if you're unsure.
- Books with legality issues. You know who you are.
- WIPs unless in the process of being published. If you'd still like us to promote your WIP, contact us to see what we can do. 

Tour Host Sign Up
If you are passionate about books and their journey to success, you've come to the right place to help. International Girls and Books is a team of girls that promotes YA, NA, and Upper MG books to readers all around the world! You are the key to getting good books into the hands of the right readers.

This sign up is available for all book bloggers, readers, and lovers! Fill in this Google Survey

Please read the information at the top of the survey. This block of information is where you will find your duties, opportunities, and more. 

Find and contact us on...

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/internationalgirlsandbooks/

Blog: https://internationalgirlsandbooks.blogspot.com/

Email: internationalgirlsandbooks@gmail.com

Legal Notices
- Unfortunately, we cannot offer refunds. If you are unhappy with the work we've done, please let us know and we will try to improve it rather than abandon the project. 

- If the author supplied their book for free, the individual post will contain this notice: "Per FTC regulations, please know that we received this title for free for review from the original author. We are honest in our reviews, meaning the fact we received the book for free does not alter the rating we give it." This is true.

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